Membership Selection

Application Details

Request Received
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This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Jun 30th
Prorated Price
This membership includes 30 member slot(s)


Your business is: Currently executing a board-endorsed Korea strategy.

Your business wants to: Broaden your influence and engage at the highest level of the Australian-Korean trade and investment relationship, including engagement with key Australian and Korean political decision makers.

Suitable for: Businesses with state, national or international footprint.

Announcement for the upcoming 24-25 Financial Year

* People who join our membership now will be paying for the next financial year (12 months starting 1 July, 2024) in addition to the pro rata rate for the remaining months of this financial year.

* Please note the price of advance membership will increase by 9 percent to $7,500/year to ensure we can maintain a high quality of service to members.  


Sub-committee access:  Co-chair of 1 x Industry Group in key areas (Critical Minerals, Education, Financial Services, Food & Agriculture, Energy, Defence & Space)

Annual AKBC-KABC Joint Meeting: Priority for sponsorship opportunities; 3 x tickets to attend annual member-only AKBC-KABC Joint Meeting (tickets valued at $2,000 each)

Annual delegation: 1 x represetative to attend AKBC Chair-led delegation to Korea

Annual Canberra networking day: 1 x representative to attend program of government and industry meetings and events

Networks and connections: Bespoke introductions to key stakeholders and senior government officials

Advocacy: Exclusive engagement opportunities with Australian and Korean government officials, formulate key policy asks and lead on AKBC policy submissions

Training and development: 8 x representatives to attend AKBC's Korean business fundamentals cultural training program

Brand exposure opportunities: Priority access to our annual event program including speaking and hosting opportunities

Access to AKBC relationship manager:Bi-annual meetings with AKBC relationship manager

Annual investment (ex GST): $19,900

Balance:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

No refunds for membership.