Arrival and Pre-event Networking
Opening Session and Keynote Address
Taewoo Lee•Peter Cleary•Hohyeon Lee•Sid Marris

Taewoo Lee
Consul-General of the Republic of Korea (NSW), Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Peter Cleary
Board Member, Chair of the AKBC Energy sub-committee, Australia-Korea Business Council
Hohyeon Lee
Deputy Minister for Energy Policy, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), Republic of Korea
Sid Marris
Deputy Chief Executive, Minerals Council of Australia
Session 1 : Policy Overview and Updates
James Choi•Jessica Williams

James Choi
Honorary Ambassador of Foreign Investment Promotion for Korea, KOTRA
Jessica Williams
Manager, Critical Minerals Office, Department of Industry, Science and Resources
Afternoon Tea & Coffee Break
Session 2 : Industry/Market Perspectives Critical Minerals and Battery Supply Chains
Dr. Gyesoon Park•Peter Sherrington•Kyunglin (Lynn) Kim•Andrew Spinks•Jason Qi

Dr. Gyesoon Park
Head of Mineral Exploration and Mining Research Center, Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources (KIGAM)
Peter Sherrington
Chief Financial Officer, Arafura
Kyunglin (Lynn) Kim
Director, Mineral Resources Team, Export-Import Bank of Korea (KEXIM)
Andrew Spinks
Managing Director, EcoGraf
Jason Qi
Director, Resources, Energy & Infrastructure, ANZ
Session 3 : Enabling the Energy Transition and Hydrogen
Eva Hanly•Daniel Kim•Kyu Hong Lee•Varya Davidson•Tom Shon

Eva Hanly
President, Asia Pacific Region, Fortescue - Energy
Daniel Kim
Chief Executive Officer, Ark Energy
Kyu Hong Lee
Chief Strategy Officer, Elecseed
Varya Davidson
Partner, Energy Transition, PwC Australia
Tom Shon
Partner, MinterEllison
Cocktail Reception
- Please note agenda is correct at time of publication but may be subject to change.