이 이벤트는 종료된 이벤트로 등록이 마감되었습니다. ​Australia-Korea Business Council의 더 많은 이벤트를 알아보세요.

AKBC Accelerate and Immerse Member

Ticket includes afternoon tea, cocktail reception and attendance at Forum.
Accelerate and Immerse Members may register for one complimentary ticket. Additional registrations may be purchased separately.
Please allow up to 24 hours for approval.

  • 표준 가격가격:무료
티켓 예약하기

AKBC Advance and Explore Member

Ticket includes afternoon tea, cocktail reception and attendance at Forum - AUD 200+GST
Due to limited capacity, tickets are available for a maximum of two representatives per company.
Please allow up to 24 hours for approval.

  • 표준 가격가격:A$200.-
티켓 구매하기

Additional AKBC Member Tickets

Ticket includes afternoon tea, cocktail reception and attendance at Forum - AUD 200+GST
Additional registrations may be purchased once complimentary member ticket allocations are exhausted.
Due to limited capacity, please note maximum one additional ticket per AKBC company is available.
Please allow up to 24 hours for approval.

  • 표준 가격가격:A$200.-
티켓 구매하기

Korean Embassy and KOTRA invitees

Ticket includes afternoon tea, cocktail reception and attendance at Forum.
Please allow up to 24 hours for approval.

  • 표준 가격가격:A$200.-
티켓 구매하기

AKBC Non-member Tickets

Ticket includes afternoon tea, cocktail reception and attendance at Forum - AUD 250+GST
Due to limited capacity, tickets are available for a maximum of two representatives per company.
Please allow up to 24 hours for approval.

  • 표준 가격가격:A$250.-
티켓 구매하기